
1 Natural Fluorite Octohedron South Africa




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“Fluorite is calcium fluoride in mineral form, belonging to the halide group of minerals. It is also known as “fluorspar,” especially in industrial or chemical settings. It has ornamental uses, but it has also been used for smelting (as a flux), in the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid, and in the production of glasses, enamels, telescopes, microscopes and fluorite optics. Fluorite comes in a range of brilliant colors and exhibits an isometric crystal system, a Moh’s scale hardness of 4, a specific gravity of 3.175-3.184, a vitreous luster, a brittle tenacity, and is transparent to translucent. Some fluorite extracted from certain locations contains special impurities that make it fluorescent, giving rise to the term “fluorescence” in 1852. It is widely occurring and commonly found in large deposits. Noteworthy localities include Germany, China, Austria, Norway, Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada, but it is found in other places as well.
On a metaphysical level, fluorite stabilizes and cleanses the aura of those who keep it near or wear it. It is said to neutralize and absorb stress and negative energies and ground any excess energies. It would make a great gift for a loved one who is a student because it is also believed to make a wonderful learning aid. It is claimed to improve decision making skills, concentration and self-confidence of those in its vicinity. In addition, this crystal may boost physical and mental coordination and balance, generate positivity, and balance one’s energies. Fluorite is associated with the elements of air and water, the zodiac signs of capricorn and pisces, and the heart, throat, and third eye chakras, depending on the type (color) of the specimen in question. It is becoming increasingly popular among New Age enthusiasts and is sometimes paired with other stones from collections in order to “open the path” for them to become more effective (or amplify their effects). This can work especially well if one’s goal is to attain truth, peace, and spiritual development and wholeness. It is also commonly used during meditation as a channeling aid, as it is believed to enhance connections to faeries, elves, nature spirits and others. If you wish to gain some insight from your past lives, it may assist you in facilitating connection to the Akashic records.
Fluorite is considered to be a useful healing tool by crystal healers. It is said to repair DNA damage and benefit the cells, teeth and bones. Particularly in the form of an elixir, it may effectively fight viruses. It could aid the body while it is battling colds, sinusitis, and the flu, and it is believed to possess the ability to regenerate the mucus membranes and skin. Additionally, it has been used to provide pain relief, treat wounds and ulcers, remove wrinkles and blemishes, assist dental work, alleviate rheumatism, arthritis, and spinal injuries, boost the libido, enhance memory, ease chronic insomnia, and more.”
For healing, take the spirit of a stone with your spirit and put it in your spirit’s pocket, don’t put the physical stone in your pocket (but you can do so, but additionally..).